Friday, February 4, 2011

size matters.

Some of you may remember how this was on Claire's wish list for Christmas. Well... she got a different bed from Santa, but it ended up being too small for her - she likes to stretch out! Now, let me remind you: the plan isn't for her to sleep in this thing. No no. She sleeps with me in my bed. This bed is for her to rest in while I'm in the kitchen. Every other room has cozy furniture for her to curl up on except the kitchen, so she usually just sits against the wall looking uncomfortable when we're in there. Clearly we needed to remedy this, right?! When I returned the one that she got from Santa, I ordered the microfiber quilted bagel bed - in an extra large.

This bed is HUGE. Lissa calls it an air mattress. It kind of takes up a lot of room in my little house. I mean, even I can fit on it comfortably. But Claire loves it, and that's really all that matters! Here's a picture (taken with the Holga - I just love these cameras because you never know what you're going to get out of it). Hopefully you can get a good idea of how big the bed is. Claire's a forty-five pound dog, and the size chart for the extra large bed states that it's for a dog who is approximately seventy pounds or greater...

Size matters.


  1. this is AWESOME. i so cannot wait to see it in PERSON!!!

  2. looks comfy for her!!! and YOU! lol
